Walnut street School
Mini-Session Fundraiser
Hey there WSS parent! I am so excited to offer mini family photo sessions to our Walnut Street Family again this year on May 1st, 2nd, & 3rd! I have been a parent of WSS for 8 years so far with many more to come and I love being able to support our awesome teachers and staff anyway I can. Here is how this will work! Each session will cost a total of $75 and you will receive 5-10 images via digital download.
**This is exclusively for Walnut Street School families and staff.**
Step One
The first step will be to choose a time! Below you will find a link to schedule your preferred time. The session will cost $75 in total. You will pay $25 upon booking and the remaining $50 you will pay at the time of the session paid directly to Walnut Street School.
Step Two
Next up, check your email. You will be receiving an email from Jamie Lynne Photography a short while later. Sometimes these can go to spam! Please check there before reaching out! You will find a questionnaire with all the information you and a few pieces of information I need to make your session a success. Don't worry, it doesn't take long but is required to complete your session!
Step Three
Session time! You're dressed, your kids have been bribed and you have mentally prepared for family photos. Go you! Please arrive at the photo location 10 minutes prior to your session. We will have a point person ready to give you a quick rundown of how it will work and get you prepared for the start of your session while I am finishing the session prior. Have your $50 payment ready, checks made payable to Walnut Street School PTO or cash to give to them prior to the start of your session. If you do not have your payment, we will not be able to complete your session. The sessions will start promptly at the designated time! Each session is only 15 minutes and will not go over. If you're late, you will have less time and therefore fewer images.
Step Four
Pat yourself on the back, you made it through your photo session and maybe even had fun. Next, you will wait patiently while I edit and prepare your images to be delivered. It will be somewhere around 2-3 weeks after your session. While you wait follow my FB and IG pages to find sneak peeks of all the beautiful families that join us at WSS! You will receive your images via digital download to the email you received your invoice to. You will have two weeks to download the images and save them to your chosen safe place. I suggest TWO safe places but if you decide to live on the wild side with no backup, you do you. If you do happen to lose the images you can email me to recover them but I will ask a $25 upload fee.
If you are wondering...
These mini sessions will take place in the block surrounding the Meredith building downtown at 15th and Locust. This area offers so many options for backdrops ranging from greenery, architecture, to urban settings. Below are some examples that were done in this area two years ago!
It's party time!